Thursday, February 26, 2009

Another way is to use a web

Another way is to use a web-based search site. Some of these sites are pretty simple to use and can offer you a lot of information. The problem with them is that quite often, they are out of date. You may find that you call the listing agent of a certain property only to find out it was sold months ago. This results in more wasted time and aggravation to you. Why are these sites using out-dated information? It is because they get all their information second-hand. They are getting their information from something called the Multiple Listing Service.

Looking For A Home

Looking For A Home

There are several ways you can look for your new home. One way is to drive around and stop at open houses. This is a good way if you don’t have anything special that ylooking for. More often than not, however, there will be athing that is not what you were interested in with a new home. Maybe there is a pool and you would rather have a big, grassy yard. Maybe there are two bedrooms when youthree. Or maybe the house isn’t even in your price range. There is not much you can about the house simply by looking at the outside. If you decide to call the agent whose name is on the yard sign, it might take a while for them to return your call. The time you spend driving around looking for yard signs can better be used going into houses that actually meet your needs.

It would be similar

It would be similar to being on trial and having the same lawyer representing the plaintiff and the defendant.
A little later, I will explain how I work for you as a buyer’s agent and the steps I will take to help you find just the right home for you in the least amount of time and to get you the best possible price.
Also, keep in mind too, that it is not always just about the price. Often there are other items and terms that need to be negotiated on behalf of the buyer. It is truly imperative to the buyer to have an agent representing him exclusively.
One thing that I tell my buyers is that it makes perfect sense for them to let me search the inventory for them. That way, I can be sure they have access to everything that comes on the market which meets their criteria as soon as it comes on the market. This means no more running around town and calling the listing agents, getting the hard sell, just to find out the house doesn’t meet your needs

Why You Need A Buyer’s Agent

Why You Need A Buyer’s Agent
Often when a buyer is driving around the neighborhood calling the names they see on the yard signs, they do not realize that they are calling the agent who is representing the seller. That agent is employed by the seller to get them the highest price possible for the home. Obviously, you as the buyer do not want to pay the highest possible price for the house. You want to get the best possible deal for the house.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Translation. Business owners with a strong client base of non-English speaking persons used a virtual assistant to translate their documents into other languages.

Secretarial Tasks. Business owners use virtual assistants for setting appointments and reminders, even on personal issues such as anniversaries and birthdays. Using a virtual assistant for these duties immediately reduced the amount of phone calls the business owner received and he or she never had to worry about missing a deadline or important date again.
Marketing Materials. Business owners use virtual assistants to design brochures, letterheads, business cards, postcard mailings to previous customers and other marketing materials. The cost is less expensive compared to hiring a graphic artist.

Virtual assistants normally have several attorney clients
they serve. They often earn a higher income compared to working
as an employee. The virtual assistant and attorney both benefit
financially. It’s a WIN/WIN situation.


Bookkeeping. The business owner forwarded all sales and expense reports on a monthly basis to the virtual assistant. The virtual assistant compiled monthly reports and put together all the yearend accounting information for the tax accountant.

Website Design. Virtual assistants work closely with the business owner to develop a company website including marketing the website to search engines and directories to increase web traffic.

Monday, February 23, 2009

One day, Matt was sitting at a local restaurant

One day, Matt was sitting at a local restaurant
eating lunch, Dennis Farmer (a local bankruptcy
attorney) recognized him from court. He asked Matt if
he could sit down and eat lunch with him. Matt eagerly
agreed. During the course of the conversation, Matt
told Dennis about the problems he was experiencing at
his law firm. He also revealed all the different ideas he

Virtual assistants are normally available 24/7 and easy to contact
by cell phone. In fact, most virtual assistants stay available for
their attorneys after hours and on weekends since they know
everything cannot be accomplished between 9:00 and 5:00.

Again, Matt was not discouraged in his quest to

Again, Matt was not discouraged in his quest to
find a solution. In fact, talking with the attorneys who
had no suggestions actually encouraged Matt to
continue seeking for an answer. He found the attorneys he talked to were complacent about the topic.
They simply had "given up" in finding a solution and
continued putting in 12-14 hour work days, overworking their staff and putting up with high office staff
turnover rates. Matt didn't want this to happen to his
law firm and he was determined NOT to let it happen.

How to Increase Profits for Your Law Firm

How to Increase Profits for Your Law Firm

written by

attorneys he spoke with were in the same boat he was
in. They told Matt: "When you find a solution, let me
