Sunday, December 21, 2008

Don't Forget Your Toothbrush Makes Packing a Snap

Don't Forget Your Toothbrush Makes Packing a Snap
By Jason Fitzpatrick, 3:00 PM on Sat Dec 20 2008, 6,286 views
Don't Forget Your Toothbrush makes the packing list you scribbled on the back of an envelope look down right anemic. Take advantage of the useful features and arrive without anything, including toothbrushes, left behind.
Tell Don't Forget Your Toothbrush where you are going and when, and it will generate a list of potential things you need to do based on your travel type. The to-do list is divided into advanced planning, two weeks before, one week before, the day before, the night before, and as you are leaving for the trip. Because not all suggestions may fit you, you check only those that apply to your situation and trip. Once you've created your custom list the site will give you a list of items that aren't actionable but that you may need for the trip such as tickets, directions, additional memory cards for your camera, and so on. Again, customize the list by checking only the things you'll need for your trip. Finally you are given an option to add extra items that may not be on their—rather extensive— packing list. After you create the list you have the option to print it as well as have reminders sent to you based on the time frames in the list. For another packing-list generator, check out The Universal Packing List. For more travel tips check out The Power Traveler's Checklist Part One and Part Two.
Don't Forget Your Toothbrush [via DumbLittelMan]
Read More: Travel, Packing, Lists, Reminders, Holidays

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